Seven Dry Ice Facts that are Super Chill

Mmm, ice cream! Did you know that dry ice is used to make it?
Dry ice is quite a fascinating material. It produces vapor and is one of the coldest substances out there used in the business. It’s hard to believe how something so harmless-looking could be so, well, “cool!” Read on to learn more fun and especially super chill facts about dry ice.
It’s… Carbon Dioxide?
Yes, you heard that right! Believe it or not, dry ice is NOT made of water. It’s actually the solid form of carbon dioxide that forms at around -79 degrees Celsius (or -110 degrees Fahrenheit! Brr!)
There is No Liquid
Unlike water, dry ice actually has no liquid form. After losing temperature, it starts to immediately change into a gaseous form. That’s why once exposed to regular air temperatures; it starts to produce “smoke,” which we all love to use in theater productions and Halloween parties! Just make sure to handle it safely.
Useful for Cleaning
Have you ever heard of dry ice blasting? Probably not. Did you know that blasting can help to clean very hard to scrub surfaces? Blasting is commonly used in factories where regular forms of cleaning just won’t work on the large machinery.
It’s Even Heavier than Water
A cool science experiment to try is to compare regular ice and dry ice. Regular ice floats on top of the water, right? Well, dry ice actually is heavier than the mass of water, causing it to sink to the bottom.
It’s Kinda Sour
If you eat or drink anything that dry ice was used to freeze, like ice cream or frozen fruits, you might notice that the initial taste is a bit sour. This has to do with the compound makeup of dry ice when it comes in contact with water. But don’t worry, most manufacturers have found workarounds to avoid this unappealing flavor change.
Never Touch It!
Dry ice is not like regular ice. If you touch it without handling it properly, like with gloves specifically made for handling it, you could receive frostbite or even burns. Make sure to also never use dry ice in small, closed-off spaces or containers. The gas that leaks could potentially cause a pressure explosion which is very unsafe.
Dry Ice For All Your Needs
Dry Ice Corp is the largest regional supplier of dry ice and related products in the Northeastern United States. Our ice is fresh and delivered right to your doorstep. We are happy to help you determine the best way to ship your goods, whether you have a huge amount of cookies or a single pie, and help you select the perfect amount of ice for the job. Give us a call at (201) 767-3200 or contact us online for a quote. To connect with us online, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.