How Can Dry Ice Be Used During a Power Outage?

Here is how you can use dry ice during a power outage.
Dry ice has many uses besides enhancing Halloween parties and keeping beverages cold. It has changed how companies and corporations handle transporting foods and medicines. You can also use dry ice during a power outage. It never hurts to revisit how to stay safe when your home’s power isn’t present. Here is how you can use this cooling mechanism during a power outage.
Using Dry Ice During a Power Outage
We strongly suggest leaving the refrigerator and freezer doors closed for its components to stay cold for 24-48 hours, depending on the capacity. However, after that time frame, the high temperature will potentially cause the food to spoil. The brilliance of dry ice is that its temperature is -109 degrees F, replacing the cooling power of a refrigerator or freezer. During an outage, place it on the fridge’s top shelf of the freezer and bottom rack.
25-30 pounds of solidified carbon dioxide will keep the freezer cold for one day for a standard freezer. However, a large freezer will require three pounds per cubic foot of freezer space. You won’t need as much of this cooling mechanism for a refrigerator because the food doesn’t need to freeze. You need to replace the dry ice due to sublimation or the ice turning from a solid to gas for an outage that lasts more than a few days.
Safety Considerations
Once the power returns, you will have to evaluate the safety of the food in the fridge or freezer. A tried-and-true evaluation method is that thawed or partially thawed food can go back into the freezer if you see ice crystals or the food is at 40 degrees or below. Partial thawing and refreezing will, of course, affect the food’s quality. It might not taste as delicious, but it will be safe to eat.
Contact Dry Ice Corp today if you’d like to learn more about how to use dry ice and remain safe while using it. As always, refer to this page if you need additional safety tips!
Dry Ice for All Your Needs
Dry Ice Corp is the largest regional supplier of dry ice and related products in the Northeastern United States. Our ice is fresh and delivered right to your doorstep. We are happy to help you determine the best way to ship your goods, whether you have a huge number of cookies or a single pie, and help you select the perfect amount of dry ice for the job. Give us a call at (201) 767-3200 or contact us online for a quote. To connect with us online, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.