How To Safely Use Dry Ice

Whether you are using it to ship homemade cookies across the country or make novelty cocktails at your next party, handling it properly is a must.
Dry ice is one of the coolest substances and it has countless uses. Whether you are using it to ship homemade cookies across the country or make novelty cocktails at your next party, handling it properly is a must. At Dry Ice Corp, we take handling dry ice properly very seriously. Here are some of our best tips for safely using dry ice for whatever your intended purpose is.
Dry Ice is Freezing Cold (Literally)
Dry ice is -109 degrees, or, pretty cold! As a frame of reference, the coldest temperature that has ever been recorded on the planet was -128 degrees in Antarctica. As you can imagine, things that cold can cause severe frostbite and burns. Dry ice should always be handled with protective, thick gloves. Never allow dry ice to touch your bare skin or body, or you will be in a lot of pain.
Dry Ice Sublimates Instead of Melting
Instead of melting, like traditional ice, dry ice sublimates into a gas. This is part of the reason why dry ice is such a magical substance. However, if not used in an area with good ventilation or any ventilation, this can be exceedingly dangerous. Always use dry ice in an area with plenty of fresh air flow. Never place dry ice in a cooler that is tightly shut, as the gas expanding inside could cause an explosion. The carbon dioxide that it emits as it sublimates is dangerous to human and animal health, so use it carefully.
Store Dry Ice with Care
If you are storing dry ice in transit or shipping with it, always ensure that there is space for the gas to escape. Never take a chance when it comes to properly ventilating the cooler or freezer in which you are storing your dry ice, otherwise the thermometer could break, the container could be permanently damaged, or a dangerous explosion could occur.
Don’t Pick It Up Too Early
You should always plan on picking up your dry ice as close to the time that you need it as possible. The rate of sublimation is 10% every 24 hours, or about 5-10 lbs. worth of ice.
Dry Ice for All of Your Needs
Dry Ice Corp is the largest regional supplier of dry ice and related products in the Northeastern United States. Our dry ice is fresh and delivered right to your doorstep. We are happy to help you determine the best way to ship your goods, whether you have a huge amount of cookies or a single pie, and help you select the perfect amount of dry ice for the job. Give us a call at (201) 767-3200 or contact us online for a quote. To connect with us online, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and Twitter.